Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's a boy!

We found out a few weeks ago that Gwen is going to have TWO brothers. At the 21 week ultrasound they couldn't get a clear view of the heart, on a second ultrasound they found a 'spot' (echogenic focus) on the heart, so a third ultrasound was scheduled at the perinatal clinic at the hospital a week or so ago. Fortunately all is well and we were lucky to get to see a 3-D ultrasound of the little guy. Those things are amazing! We can already tell that he has a jeffrey mouth.
Gwen is aware that there is a baby coming but she's convinced the baby is in her belly and it's coming soon (at christmas...even though we keep saying AFTER christmas). She'll lift up her shirt, pat her belly and say 'little brother'. She is fully in her terrible two's now, having mastered the tantrum, but as long as what she's doing is her idea all is well (James and I are working on our persuasion skills). She is such a smart cookie...she has full-blown conversations (7-10 word sentences), knows all the words to Lady Gaga's song you and I, loves Clifford, My Littel Pony and Strawberry Shortcake and always has a book in her hands (which she reads to herself...it's not really reading yet but she likes to think she can do it on her own).
For halloween we tried all kinds of costumes for Gwen but she just wasn't into it...until we found the pony costume. It's not one where she is dressed up like a pony, but it's a costume that makes it look like she's riding a pony:
She LOVED it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Gwen's going to be a big sister!

We've finally told all family and close friends so the announcement went out to the facebook community today...we're pregnant again! Due Feb 17th and we're not sure of the sex yet although we honestly don't have a preference this time around. We've been talking to Gwen about it but she hasn't quite grasped that the new 'baby' that will be around is not actually her ;) I think she'll be excited once she understands though. She loves rocking her little doll, patting and shushing her...I think she's got the goods to make a good big sis.

On a side note, we had an earthquake in Richmond/DC yesterday. It was certainly the first I had ever experienced and there was definitely no mistaking it! I was at the office up in Alexandria and felt the whole building sway for about 10 seconds. James was driving and given how he drives it's not surprising he had no idea there was an earthquake. Gwen was just going down for a nap and she lifted her head in annoyance for a second and then flopped back down to sleep. Now we're facing a category 3 hurricane this weekend (although we'll get the lighter side in Richmond). Getting ready for a few days of no electricity! Whoot whoot!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Finally saying 'yes'

I know the two's are supposed to be the age of 'no' but we're feeling pretty great about finally getting a 'yes' out of Gwen! Until now she's said 'no' or 'nope' to ANY question...'do you want ice cream?' 'Nope' and then reaches for said ice cream...it was confusing. Well in the past few weeks we have a clear 'yep' from Gwen. Now when you ask her if she wants a snack you get a solid, clear 'yep!'...so much easier!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

6 months of fun

Let's see...it's been 6 long months since I posted. We went on our first vacation with Gwen to visit Gramma and Happa in Colorado. Gwen did better than expected on the airplane but I wouldn't say it was relaxing. She had a great time in the playland that my mom and dad created in their house...mr. potatohead was discovered as was the berenstain bears 'The Bike Lesson' (aka 'boom boom book'). she loves that book...and I can now read it from memory.

Gwen is doing a lot more talking now...we have full blown conversations which are fun. Some of her funnier phrases are 'k-cup' (for cupcake...they are an obsession after eating the frosting off of one at her friend Abby's b-day party), 'peeez' (she knows we're suckers for the please and thank you so uses it all the time), 'sorry' (from a book with a phrase 'sorry pepper', we used to hug her when she'd say that line and now she says 'soo-rreee' at random times to get a hug), 'monkey man aye yayee yayee' when hanging from things (after the wiggles monkey man song). The other day she was coughing to get our attention and when it didn't work she started saying 'cough, cough, cough'...good stuff kid.

We WERE happy to say that Gwen was off the bottle for a good long time but just in the last week or so she has been asking for a bottle constantly. I've heard that kids go through phases when they revert back to old habits so I'm hoping it doesn't last long.

Gwen still devours, literally devours, her 'fi fi' (giraffe lovie), so I've been forced into buying 5 so we can keep a constant rotation of fresh 'fi fi's' on hand. I don't know how she does it...they are downright nasty after a day!

Here are a few photos from the last few months. Enjoy!

(Gwen with Ernie at Busch Gardens - April 2011)

(styling the shades in Colorado - May 2011)

Monday, January 24, 2011


We bought Gwen crayons yesterday (the girl loves to draw, crayons are *fairly* safe, right). Apparently crayons are delicious because she's eaten the tips off of almost all of them. This is very similar to her fascination with chapstick and compulsion to chew on any stick she can get her hands on (once she pries the lid off). Nothing like reaching for your trusted tube of chapstick, opening the cap and applying a nice layer of chunky wax and baby spit...mmm....

Bedtime Routine

So Gwen is officially too big to be rocked to sleep on my lap...her little legs hang down off of mine and she just can't get comfortable. So, instead we have a nice time rocking until she starts to get drowzy then in her crib she goes. It only takes a minute for her to fall asleep but she does it in the oddest way...she rolls over onto her belly, tucks her knees up under her belly so she's butt-up in the air and face down into the bed, and she grabs my hand and pulls it around her like a blankie. so. friggin. cute. I know she stays sleeping on her face because in the morning she'll wake up with sheet marks on her forehead...I've heard of sheet marks on the cheeks but on the forehead?!?! Crazy girl.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

We're baaaack!

It's been quite a hiatus and a lot has happened but I'm dedicated to being more regular with my posts...it's the only way I'll be able to look back on this whole child rearing experience and remember what has happened.

Since August Gwen has turned 1 (which of course she had no knowledge of, just knew that there were these weird boxes covered with pretty paper). We made it through a great Thanksgiving with my family in Virginia and xmas with James' family in Virginia Beach. Gwen had her first overnight outside of the house (not bad but certainly made us realize we have to get her out more). She has started walking and is now full-blown running. She has started talking and is now into two-word sentences. She is drawing on everything and thanks to aquadoodle our walls are still unmarked (we still have to teach her that she should only draw on paper).

So far the move down to Chester is still the best thing decision we made all year. I love working from home, it's less stressful on both James and I (good for his blood pressure), and having the extra space to roam has been so great for Gwen. She has this macked out play room next to the kitchen that is any kids dream. James created a play house out of our TV box that has grown into a shingled house with plans for an attached garage for her many push toys.

Gwen from September
So now for what's going on now: Gwen is saying a new word every day. Her recent additions are 'car', 'bubbles', fifi (for her blanket called sophie), daaaaaa (for dad), daaaa (for mom). She's generous with her high fives and she loves giving her animals and animal photos frequent kisses but she'll only give kisses and hugs to people when she really means it and when you least expect it. As usual, she's also still a thrill seeker, preferring to be tossed around than sit still which is also why we have hesitated to put her on an airplane...she just doesn't want to sit still! She's only 16 months but is already wearing her 24 mo clothes because of her height and she's all body just like her Happa.

More to come soon!